A Viking burial. Composition and photo by Kevin Alexandrowicz.

Have you ever thought, like really thought, about what it would be like if you took a time machine to the Viking Age? Where would you get food? How do you make clothes? What do you brush your teeth with, or do you brush them at all? And what on earth do you do without cellphones and the internet?

Our guests today know firsthand the answer to all these questions and more.

This time we had the privilege of sitting down with Kevin Alexandrowicz and Devon Rawlings, both members of Járnborg Vikings, a chapter in the Northwest Viking Alliance. These are NOT your garden-variety cosplay enthusiasts, but people who are deeply interested in experiencing the past, and learning from it, in an authentic way through living history experimental archaeology — a big fancy phrase meaning they understand the small mundane things that constituted daily life in northern Europe 1,000 years ago.

Things like how to make a wooden spoon, how to forge a needle to sew your clothes with, what it’s like to butcher an animal, and even how women dealt with that time of the month.

Kevin honing his craft and Devon wearing and surrounded by hers, including sewing the tent!

But besides learning some cool specialized knowledge or skills, why on earth would anyone really want to experience the Viking Age in this way?? We asked them about that and found ourselves wandering into the more philosophical issue of embracing the past versus escaping the present. It was an interesting and enlightening chat!


If you live in the Pacific Northwest and you’re interested in finding out more or even maybe joining a group, check out the Northwest Viking Alliance. If you live outside the PNW, they can probably help you find similar groups in your area.

Kevin and Devon are also artists. Please check out their craft on their sites below. There’s some really beautiful stuff, and they’ll appreciate the support.

Kevin’s work at Archaic Growth and on Instagram @archaicgrowth.

Devon’s work at Baseborn and on Instagram at @baseborn.co

Vikingology Podcast is a reader-supported publication. To support our work, please consider becoming a paid subscriber.

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